and this is why I’m on Facebook…

Nov 1, 2013

why I'm on Facebook

I knew there was a reason I felt the need to login to Facebook tonight. And right there it was. I squinted to make sure I was reading everything correctly, and then said out loud, “Whaaaaa?

I blocked the name of the commenter to preserve his anonymity, but holy cow! His Dad must’ve been a real card before he passed on — but I can’t figure out why Mom would think the son would be in the bathroom in the first place (much less smacking). When I pass on… years and years from now… I’m going to be impish like that dude’s dad too. I’m going to float around smacking butts and jerking chairs out from under people I don’t even know! And, I’ll probably stock-up on a few bottles of spritz-on to toss around at peoples legs on special occasions and hang out in bathrooms everywhere.