fake news… and I’m wondering about Snopes

Jan 3, 2018

I’m to the point that I don’t 100% believe anything I read or watch because it seems every single source is biased. If I watch the news, I want honest reporting. If I click a news website, I’m offended by all the click-bait offered up to me, and my perception is that the validity of anything reported there is “iffy.” Their credibility (at least in my book) is diluted.

So even if I read about a current event, I check the validity at snopes.com. Of late; however, I’m not feeling 100% confident in their stuff either. Here’s why…

snopes bias

If you believe something negative that has Obama’s name in it, Snopes has a bridge to sell you — in other words, you’re pretty darned stupid if you believe the unbelievable.  BUT, if you believe the FLOTUS wore a shower curtain for a dress on New Year’s Eve, Snopes doesn’t insult you in the same manner. Seriously? If you have to verify that Melania did not wear a shower curtain for a New Year’s Eve gala you need more than Snopes.

For the record, I’m not a fan of the dress, but Melania probably wouldn’t like what I’m wearing today either. What pains me is that there’s so much garbage thrown about — and so many gullible people.