i would rather just buy it

Oct 12, 2015

I’m not a fan of subscriptions. I’m ok with subscribing to certain things but not the programs I depend on and use every single day. Let me BUY them. If you want Microsoft Office… you now subscribe. Adobe products? Subscribe. Everything is going to subscriptions or memberships. It makes me crazy because I HATE monthly bills. I’m the girl that pays her homeowner’s insurance by the year. I pay $300 at a time for small utility bills just so I don’t have to remember to pay them every month. Even my phone company continuously tries to get me to change my plan and pay for my phone upgrade by adding to my monthly bill, rather than paying for the darned thing when I get it. Everything feels like a lease.

I know things change — I get that. But I guess I still hear good ole’ Dad harping about paying for what you want.

In the spirit of change and subscription-based everything — I should’ve secured a DOG SUBSCRIPTION instead of buying little Dharma outright. I could’ve cancelled the first time she pooped on the floor. I could’ve unsubscribed today right after being handed the $185 vet bill (and right before I paid it). Best of all, I could put my Dharma membership on hold for a month and feed her again around mid-November.

cancel dharma