if you only had 3 minutes

May 3, 2018

Easter is long past and my tulips are on their way out…


Thunder is rumbling and Gracie is about to have a meltdown. Poor Gracie… she got her summer hair cut yesterday and is embarrassed by her nakedness. To make matters even worse, she’s terrified of storms; she pants; she is frantic. The darker it gets outside the greater my need to nap — or maybe it’s the dog breath fog cloud that’s causing my drowsiness.

I mentioned before that when I walk on the treadmill, I cue up a movie. By the time I finish all my daily walks, the movie is over.  I’ve been walking a long time, you guys, and I’ve watched some pretty terrible flicks. Today, I started “The Note.” It’s the story of a journalist who found what she believes to be a note written by one of the passengers of a crashed plane in the last seconds before fatality. I’ve not finished the movie yet, but it does have me thinking.

If I were in a plane that I thought was about to go down, I would pray — not write a note. I know this because every single time I fly, I think the plane is about to go down. To other passengers, I look normal — reading a book on my iPad — but on the inside — what isn’t visible —  is pure turmoil. I’m sort of like Gracie when it storms.

Considering parallel circumstances, how would you spend the last 3 minutes of YOUR life?