oooops — but it wasn’t my fault

Aug 6, 2013

My favorite brother has so many mobile numbers even I can’t keep up! While having dinner with his lovely wife over the weekend, I took a photo with my iPhone and sent it to him via text message on one of the numbers I have listed for him.

missing my brother at dinner

ugh - number no longer valid me thinksMy objective was to let him know he was being thought about and missed, but I sent the photo to a phone he no longer has. Obviously.

Check out the time stamps… when I got the first reply, I figured my brother was making a stab at being funny. Wrong number? Ha! Still, I was afraid (what I thought was) his sarcastic reply might hurt Tammy’s feelings — so I did my best to change the subject when she asked what he said. I didn’t LIE — but whatever I said was about as close as you can get without your nose growing a few inches.

The longer I waited for him to say something else, the more I felt something just wasn’t right. So it took me about 20 minutes to respond with the really intelligent and incredibly simple “?“. (The plain question mark was a lot better than what I was thinking — something really similar to… “You’re putting me in an uncomfortable position, asshole oh favorite sibling of mine.”)

I didn’t resend the photo to a different number primarily because I no longer missed my brother at dinner. Dymond was a good sport though, don’t you think?