tada! Well… almost tada…

tada! Well… almost tada…

Computers are back where they belong. Just about finished with the room except for a missing rug that should be delivered late this week.

The floors are TOO SLICK!

The “non-slick” sealer is slick. Poor Dharma is struggling. The round rug is only there to provide traction for her and it’s what will be replaced.

In addition, I’ve been reading about remedies and will try the first option today — mopping with vinegar water. If that doesn’t work (and somehow I doubt it will), the part not covered by a rug will be coated again with some mixture that contains texture.

I’d say there’s a pretty big difference. 🙂

Now you know: Ants can grow their own food, keep livestock, teach their younglings, bury their dead, wage wars, medevac and care for their injured, keep slaves and build massive cities and super-colonies spanning several continents.

i don’t want you to think i was lying…

i don’t want you to think i was lying…

I said days ago that I’d share a before and after photo of upstairs bathroom #2. I’m still waiting on Perry to put the door knob on the closet but want to make it known that I did my part!!

For the record: If you use command strips, you must pull the strip down to release. Simply pulling them off takes the top layer of drywall with the hanger and that’s much harder to fix than a nail hole. (Thanks, sellers. 😉 )

The paint color wasn’t awful before, but the blue chosen by the sellers clashed with the bedroom color… and since it’s an en suite, I didn’t care for it. It’s now ready for Mr. Contractor to trim the doors and the part of the baseboard that was never finished.

en suite before paint
en suite after paint
upstairs master bedroom

I’d rather be outside in the sun.

I worked outside a bit yesterday, finally brave enough to get behind a weedeater again. I even planted a couple azalea bushes! Those Pesky neighbors were here for dinner last night and we sat outside enjoying the last evening of warm weather before temps plummet and it rains for a few days.

You might notice that Mom is wearing a sweatshirt. She still complained of being chilly since it was only 75 degrees (yup… ONLY 75) early evening. 🙄

those pesky neighbors

Perry is a Blackstone Griddle award winning chef.

At least we all thought he did pretty good…

griddle prepared stir fry

TIL (Today I Learned): Karl Bushby – a British ex-paratrooper – set out to walk around the world in 1998. He’s currently at the Iranian border.

the projects should end soon – at least the big ones

the projects should end soon – at least the big ones

Today the inside garage door comes down and the wall goes up to replace it in the office/family room. A closet should follow the next day and I’m guessing it will take a day or so to spray seal that room. Mr. Contractor must also frame and trim the windows in there. He hasn’t even started upstairs. No way will he finish in 3 days like he promised. Not possible.

I underestimated too!

I also thought I’d have that bathroom done in a day but missed the mark. I started painting at 7:00 AM yesterday morning and it’s finished, but I have to have help hanging the mirror and still have to clean. I keep getting pulled off task. Like… once I had polyurethane on my brush, I coated closet doors.

While I’m not 100% sold on a lot of the stuff the sellers chose here, the solid wood doors I really like. The light in the kitchen over the bar… not so much.

The weather is gorgeous right now!

Yesterday was another perfect day and today should be even better! Lots of outside work planned and a trip to buy a few necessities — like a chainsaw (OH MY!) and mouse poison that won’t kill pets if they eat one of the dead little dudes. I sound so “rural” talking all about chainsaws and mice, don’t I? 😉

At least Dharma is listening!

Dharma is listening

Incoming next week are gutter guards — I keep getting birds in the downspout with no way to get them out. And, we need about 500 ton of decorative rock and have to spray weeds again. Either the weed killer was mixed too weak or the weeds around here are on steroids. And finally, I have heating and air dudes coming on the 20th. I’m hoping that won’t be another $10K. 😬

TIL (Today I Learned): A baboon named Jack officially worked for South African railways (1881-1890) as a signalman and was paid twenty cents a day, and half a bottle of beer each week. Jack never made a single mistake in his entire Railway career.

I lost a day somewhere

I lost a day somewhere

Sharing these thoughts just after midnight, it’s officially Monday — but I spent the entire day yesterday not knowing what day of the week it was. Like… I knew it was the last day to get the wall-less room ready for the contractor, but still thought it was trash night. I even asked Perry to take care of it and right now… I have no clue where my trash is.

I do know I’m ready for Mr. Contractor!

The office is now a shared space with the dining room and I couldn’t hate it any more.

my dining room is now an office too

The dogs don’t care much for it either because they’re missing the comfy couch and chaise lounge they’re used to sleeping on while I work.

ready for walls

The treadmill room’s door is shut and while I can get in there to walk, I will be risking life and limb to get around the boxes stored in there while the remodel process is underway.

How long will this take and will I survive?

Dude said around 2 weeks but I’ll betcha it will take longer. I’ll absolutely survive because I no longer worry about keeping everything just ‘so so.’ Those days are gone. I live in a barn. What I do care about is that I’m uncomfortable sitting here in the dining room to work so I want to get stuff moved back as soon as possible.

Here we go… I can’t wait to cover up the ugly! 🙂

TIL (Today I Learned): Jimmy Carter signed the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, the single largest expansion of protected lands in history which more than doubled the size of the National Parks System.

i hit the lottery… the jury kind

i hit the lottery… the jury kind

I’ve been chosen as a juror for 2023.

The full entire year of 2023 I will be required to serve my civic duty.

Yes, seriously. When did they start doing it for a whole year anyway? And why am I picked so often? Perry’s been hanging out with me for more than 15 years and he’s been called to serve ZERO times. Me? This is my 3rd round. Judge Poynter and his staff are looking forward to working with ME. Not Perry… not Ben… ME.

Another room without fresh paint.

I moved stuff around upstairs to make another room look less like storage and more like a “real” livable space. I didn’t paint this room yet either but I will… after Christmas.

upstairs living room

In the meantime, I’ve got better things to do.

Coco loves the new place. She’s doing her best to steal my hounds affection right away from me. I think she might be succeeding. 😬

coco and merida

TIL (Today I Learned): Only two companies have a higher credit rating than the US Government — Microsoft and Johnson & Johnson.