a workout for my weather radio

a workout for my weather radio

It’s spring storm season in southern Indiana and yesterday gave our weather radio quite the workout.

storm clouds

First, severe thunderstorm warnings… then a tornado warning.

Not a watch, you guys. A TORNADO WARNING! One of those take cover and wear a helmet warnings where the city’s sirens were blaring. Like any true Midwesterner, we were outside with our trusty phones — taking still shots and even video.

Running back inside about 2 seconds before the sideways rain began, we turned on a Louisville TV channel (our most local source for weather updates), and was promptly informed that Seymour was not really about to be flattened by high tornadic winds after all! Seems the National Weather Service retracted the warning shortly after it was reported in error.

The good news is…

The upside is that I know our weather radio is fully operational — as is my iPhone’s weather app, my Android’s weather app, and my watch’s weather app. 🙄

TIL (Today I Learned): A woman once sued herself for the wrongful death of her husband. The district court threw out the suit saying that you can’t sue yourself, but the case appealed to the supreme court who ruled that you can.

my treacherous trip to work

Ok, so I walk from the bedroom to the kitchen for coffee and then down the hall to the office. But it’s uphill both ways, you guys! I do really feel sorry for those who must drive to work when it’s snowing like it is today — I feel even worse for those who work 3rd shift and walk out prepared for a drive home (usually when it’s still dark) and find these conditions. It’s 12 degrees right now and the wind is howling… blowing the powdery white stuff into drifts that cover up any previous attempts to clear a path. Nothing deep — just bitter cold with blowing snow thrown in for good measure. Well played, Mother Nature.

it's nasty out there

Even for this girl that loves snow… I’ve had enough already. About the only thing to do (after business hours, of course) is to work on this undertaking that entails filling up a glass container. (In case you’re wondering, I didn’t just start the project yesterday.)

lets fill this up

there’s this fire monster!

fire monsterThe bajillion inches of snow that were supposed to hit here landed north about 75 miles. A foot of snow in Indy and we have a little over an inch here. I’m a bit disappointed because I WANTED snow instead of the rain we had. All. Day. Long.

But guess what? A fire monster (just like in the photo to the left) transformed tonight right across the street from the 80’s house! This is probably the biggest news to hit Seymour in a very long time.

The HUGE, menacing form seemed to cower just a bit when I snapped its photo:

big ole fire monster!

Take THAT fire monster — and in a couple more hours you’re going to experience the frigid temperatures you’ve only read about in fairytales.

that crazy sunday weather

What an eventful Sunday — although the biggest part of it was spent watching weather updates, clearing tornado warnings from my phone, and getting an occasional glimpse of Perry’s Bengals on the field — there’s this 3 year-old that LOVES football, and she kept us entertained. Colette doesn’t care what team is playing (other than the Colts because of Reggie Wayne), but cheers from the cheap box seats, “GO FOOTBALL!

Go football!

When everyone went home once the storms had cleared, I popped on Facebook and found a link to an article that was a tad interesting considering I had a root canal last week. The article (97% of Terminal Cancer Patients Previously Had This Dental Procedure) explains that microscopic organisms move in and around tubules inside teeth after a root canal procedure “like gophers in underground tunnels.”

Oh, and this crippled wheelchair-bound woman had a tooth with a root canal that appeared to be ok, but they pulled it anyway and implanted into this rat. The rat took on her illness and died 10 days later — and she was HEALED, you guys! You can click the link up there and read all about the horrible diseases you’ll be sure to get if you leave a dead body part (that darned tooth with the nerves removed) inside your body.

tell me why I live in Indiana

i should moveIt’s 3:35 AM EST (yes, in the morning!) and I’m wide awake. Not a fan of storms or potential tornados (yes, I know there’s not many fans of severe weather), I have the big eye. Right before heading off to bed, I check for updates and see the information in the screen shot on the left.

I have a weather radio and apps on every device I own. Knowing what’s happening outside doesn’t mean I feel safe. It means I feel very vulnerable. No basement. Thoughts of taking cover only remind me of the devastation in Henryville — where houses were flattened and it didn’t matter if you were in a center room of your house in the bathtub.

I guess tomorrow afternoon is the biggest chance for the worst weather. So make sure to keep informed… and get ready to hide in the closet that won’t protect you anyway. 🙁