tell me ’bout the good ole days

Apr 27, 2018

Last night was the first time my granddaughter has slept here on a school night. Although she has her own room at Nana’s, sleeping in her bed at her house and sticking to a school routine through the week is the norm. But yesterday, she and Piggy spent the afternoon and night with Nana. Yay!  Piggy made a new friend and was in bed right on time…


Colette, on the other hand, piddled her way through her bath and brushed her teeth for at least 10 minutes. Still, I stuck to her assigned bedtime (which is difficult for a g’ma), and she got up this morning without complaint to puppy kisses.

I was pulled back in time when Ben was her age and I was up getting him ready for school. Breakfast at home was the routine back then — now, breakfast is served at school for those who want to eat there. I don’t know what they serve, but Colette was concerned she would make it on time to eat at school. She bossed me all the way there… asking at least 3 times if I knew how to get there. “Yes… I found it when I picked you up yesterday, didn’t I?”

This grandma gig is the best, you guys!

love being nana