wanna be photographers

Aug 18, 2012

I hate to keep beating a dead horse (as my Mom would say), but holy cow. I pop on Facebook and see photos taken by a self-proclaimed photographer. One of my Facebook friends shared photos of their baby taken by this Seymour “studio” and my chin hit the keyboard. If you look at the image to the left, you’ll see some major deep shadows caused by extraordinarily bad lighting.

I’m happy for anyone that can offer a good service locally, but oh my! No short lighting portrait set-up… no broad lighting portrait set-up… I’m guessing on camera flash.

Again, I’m no professional photographer, you guys. But then again — I don’t claim to be.

Perry doesn’t claim to be a professional either. But that didn’t stop him from picking up MY camera to take a photo of me checking out HIS camera. Next thing you know, he’ll have a sign posted at the end of the road.. “Perry’s Precious Moments!