challenging working conditions

Oct 22, 2018

Having lots to do today, it would be nice if everything was simply normal… especially since it’s Monday. But no!

It’s so noisy I can barely concentrate.

tree cutting is noisy

I can understand why one of the trees selected for removal was chosen, but I LOVE mature trees and will miss a couple of the others. All the leaves that require mulching in the fall is a small price to pay for the shade provided in the summer.  Still, it makes me happy when the properties on each side of mine are improved.  I hear the next project is to have the outside bricks painted. I can’t wait to see it when finished, but I hope painters are quieter than those who cut down trees. 

Experts say that although it’s difficult, it is possible to ignore distractions in the work place by breaking tasks down into smaller chunks.  It’s also advised to take breaks to help with concentration. I’m breaking down tasks and taking breaks, but I’m not sure any of these experts had huge wood chunks hitting the ground so hard their office would shake.