facebook friday – black wolves on the prowl

Oct 30, 2015

It’s Facebook Friday… where I share the most interesting thing I read on FB for the week. Believe it or not, this week I’m not sharing some crazy rant filled with personal information and drama. Yay!

wolves on the prowlThe image to the left is a screenshot of a post shared by a friend that is currently living in Italy with his wife. I thought it was creepy enough to be interesting, so I did a Google search and the first thing I found was an article written in Italian.

Of course, to figure out anything to share with you guys, I ventured on over to Google translate:

From October 29 to December 13, 2015, after the success of the Venice Biennale, he comes to the Palace of the Black Wolves Rector installation by Chinese artist Liu Ruowang.

The work of great dramatic effect and strong social content, is composed of a pack of wolves from the bloody jaws that hurl themselves against a stack of books topped by the volume of Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason. “

So this book, The Critique of Pure Reason by Immanuel Kant, was first published in 1781 and (per Wikipedia) is one of the most influential works in the history of philosophy.  From what I understand, (which is VERY little) it’s broadly about determining the limits and scope of pure reason.

A few more searches and I found that this pack of wolves has been displayed in countries that don’t even have wolves (does that make them less scary??) and I also looked at the artist’s website.  It appears he sculpts more than wolves! His sculptures also include people, generals and gorillas (that are almost as scary as those wolves), and more.

I’m willing to bet you never thought you’d have art education as opposed to drama within a Facebook Friday post. Am I right? And… did you miss the drama? Feel free to share if you know more about this subject than what I’ve been able to find.