i wasn’t sure if I should order fried rice or a taco

Oct 18, 2015

Perry and I were hungry. We didn’t want to drive, wait to be seated, or consume fast food so we decided on China Buffet right here in Seymour. Before even opening the door we were talking about their lobster neon sign. Yes. They have a sushi bar, but the whole red neon lobster thing is a little confusing to me when the restaurant is primarily a buffet serving Chinese cuisine. (Hence the name ‘China Buffet’ — right?)

As soon as we walked in, we noticed signs posted on colored, letter-sized paper all around the entrance. I couldn’t read them because I can’t read nor write that language. You’re thinking Chinese… right? If so, you are WRONG. All the notices were written in SPANISH!

So we’re in a Chinese restaurant with neon red lobsters outside and an entryway adorned with Spanish notices and then this…

your fortune

Maybe I don’t 100% understand what the fortune is supposed to mean — but I’m pretty sure I still know how to spell “happiness.” (At least the food was good.)