It Ain’t Easy

Apr 16, 2008

posted by Shelley

Here I sit, behind my desk without my main computer. I had my Mom and Carl take it to the Apple Store in L’ville to drop it off for repairs. Although it was just there a few weeks prior for problems that replacement parts corrected somewhat, it still had issues. I am typing on a MAC Powerbook and have a desktop PC right beside me. Still, I feel lost and everything I have accomplished today has taken at least twice as long as it normally would. Here are a few examples:

  • A representative calls from the Apple Store and asks what the repair reference number was last time. Right before I told him I would check my email for the information, I remember that HE has my computer AND the information needed I am unable to access.
  • I have a simple PDF to reduce in file size, link from a page and upload to a server. Quick job on a normal day. This being a laptop that isn’t turned on that often, every program that I open seems to want an update (download and then install and then reboot — you know the drill); and I find that one program I need (the one to reduce the file size) hasn’t even been installed on this computer. Finally ready to upload, I don’t have a clue what the password is to the account I’m working with. Ugh! What should’ve been a 10 minute job turned in to about an hour and a half.
  • No matter how hard I tried to forward all the emails that were issues I would need to address today, I know that I’ve forgotten at least one. I don’t know what date this one particular organization is interested in for a booking, and I have to return their call today. I hate sounding unprofessional and unorganized even when I am. Boooo!

The day is zooming by and I’ve found time to at least complain here. I’m doing my very best to put off until tomorrow what I could’ve accomplished today.