it is amazing

Oct 24, 2009

So yesterday I’m working at my computer and I get an email from my brother who is ON A PLANE telling me to sign into iChat. I do; I send him a message; and he invites me to a video chat. I’m feeling sick and really don’t want anyone to see me, but he’s my brother and he HAS to love me no matter how bad I look so I accept. Did I mention he’s on a plane?

He was wearing headphones so when I yelled that he was really a terrorist, he was the only one that heard me. Sisters are mean like that. (Ask him about the time I shut his head in a car door. *snicker*) But all these people going to the bathroom kept looking at his computer screen as they passed by and I swear one chick did a double take and smirked — probably because I looked sick and she was wondering if H1N1 could be transmitted through a plane’s Internet connection to a computer as a virus and then infect everyone on board.

So then my phone rings and our assistant comes on and tells me that Harrison Ford is on hold. Seriously. I take the call and this dude asks where my brother is and I tell him that he’s traveling and his flight doesn’t get in until evening. He asked if he could get a call-back on Sunday afternoon. I’m thinking my brother who is still on the plane and on iChat might think this call is pretty important so I ask him if he can call Harrison Ford on Sunday evening. So the guy that says he’s Harrison Ford says, “I thought you said he was on a plane.” I say, “He IS on a plane!” But I could tell by his sigh and tone that he figures I’m a big fat liar. At least it wasn’t Brad Pitt or anything.

Boss! Da plane! Da plane!

It’s truly amazing isn’t it? I’m thinking that I could play World of Warcraft my next flight and maybe I won’t be scared. Arienne isn’t afraid of anything!