it always just says “now”

Aug 24, 2010

I like going places where the scenery looks different than Indiana no matter which way you turn your head. The beach, the desert, and yes, even the mountains…

These photos were taken out of the car window simply driving along the countryside near Gatlinburg. Not one sprig of corn or soybean field in sight — the staple of all the mind’s eye images I have from the Ville. Even a plain ole’ hill makes for an incredible view when it’s something you don’t see every single day at home.

And something else fascinating? The Sevierville County Courthouse’s centerpiece is a Seth Thomas clock which is located in the 130ft tall tower. This clock’s cost was more than $1,300 when the building was constructed in 1895, and it’s still operational today. A little. Kind of. Not all that clear in this photo — but take my word for it — the times are not the same on all sides. So of course, I think maybe the times are different time ZONES — but that can’t be right either. Seriously, the MINUTES are off.

So what time is it, Sevierville?

(Reminds me of the Jimmy Buffet song, “Breathe In, Breathe Out, Move On” — they might consider just making all the clocks say the time is “NOW”.)