sporadic is me

Sep 27, 2015

I swear I’m going to start sharing here again and it lasts for about 2 days. Then, I’m absent again for months. I started helping my favorite niece (well… she’s not really a niece but I figure if she references me as “Aunt Shelley” I can claim her as my niece) set-up and start a new BLOG. I told her it looked just a little “redneck” — but she IS a little redneck, you guys. It’s brand new — but check it out already! Then go back when she’s had time to share a few more adventures.

As I’m helping her get started, into my inbox popped this interesting article that said YOUR favorite color is BLUE. That is, if you’re in that whopping 40% of people worldwide that just love blue best of all (according to ColorMatters.com). No wonder Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter all use it.

What I found fascinating is the research cited in the article claimed 85% of shoppers say color is the reason they buy a product — and color increases brand recognition by 80%. (Read the full article…)

The color guide below from Kissmetrics.com highlights the messages that colors send to North American shoppers. I’m pretty sure I’m ok here because I have nothing to sell — but it appears I’m simply aggressive with no product.

  • Yellow: Optimistic & youthful; gets attention of window shoppers
  • Red: Energy; increases heart rate, creates urgency
  • Blue: Trust & security; associated with banks and businesses
  • Green: Wealth & relaxation; easiest color for the eyes to process
  • Orange: Aggressive; call to action: subscribe, buy or sell
  • Black: Powerful & sleek; luxury product marketing
  • Pink: Romantic & feminine; product marketing to women and girls
  • Purple: Soothing & calm; beauty products
