4 Years Ago…

4 Years Ago…

Facebook has a time machine that shows you items you interacted with in the past. Today, my memory was of sweet Libby.  Sure do miss her!

Miss this old girl

another birthday in the books

another birthday in the books

We had cake and ice-cream. We had candles. The birthday boy’s request was that I not post any photos here or on Facebook. Why? No one looks so great with rain soaked hair and clothes.

Happy birthday, Ben! xo

rainy birthday

Dharma loves Barkbox

Dharma loves Barkbox

Barkbox day is a HAPPY day around here. Although Gracie doesn’t get nearly as excited as Dharma, she’ll pick a toy from the box after Dharma has chosen her favorite.

Barkbox is Dharma's favorite day

my fitbit numbers are climbing

my fitbit numbers are climbing

Since my back surgery, I’ve walked on the treadmill almost every day. That is… until about 2 months ago. I got lazy and work got hectic. I stopped posting here for those reasons — but I also stopped doing what I know I need to do to keep away from the neurosurgeon.

Last week, struggling to sleep and stand straight, I jumped back into the healthier routine. I manned the weedeater (my arms are still sore) and got back on the ole’ treadmill. Still in 3rd place in my select family member’s 7-day step status, I see I’m moving up as each lazy day is replaced with a good one.  (It helps that my favorite brother is on a loooong flight.) By next week, I plan to claim the #1 spot.

Today is a lazy Sunday — but I still plan to meet that step goal!

lazy Sunday