the symbol of beauty

Jul 4, 2018

are Persians blind?Every single day I look in the mirror and wonder where Shelley went.  (No. That’s NOT me in the photo shared with this post.) It’s a fact I’m aging — we all are — and I’m not complaining. I am grateful to be alive and healthy even though I’m not thrilled with looking like (or being) an old lady.

Still, I know it’s not really a big deal because…


For example, Princess Qajar (whose photo accompanies this post) was considered to be the ultimate symbol of beauty in Persia during the early 1900s. Matter of fact, 13 young men killed themselves because she rejected their love! 13, you guys! 

There was a time that I could’ve competed with her eyebrows but not anymore. And there’s nothing in my closet remotely like what the princess chose to wear in her famous photograph. (If you thought Little Red Riding Hood was the only chick that wore a hooded cape, you would be wrong.)

It wasn’t in the cards for me to be a princess or a 1900s Persian beauty. Oh well. I just need to remember that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Stay beautiful and have a fabulous 4th OF JULY!