there is a reason…

Jan 29, 2013

My back is OUT!

I’ve always had a ‘crazy’ back… like I could move a room of heavy furniture with no problem and then I’d do something to it just making the bed that would put me out of commission for days. No lie.

I have no clue what caused my issue this time. My favorite brother says stress is a contributor and I have plenty of that. And I have a new kick-ass chair that I’m hoping isn’t responsible. My best guess is that the ole’ back is politely telling me to stop picking up a 2 year-old over and over. It won’t be long and she won’t want me to pick her up I’m sure, and I really hate to miss that special part. Still, being able to stand up is nice.

Good thing I have a competent replacement for work that can’t wait. She even starts early and works in pj’s.

my replacement