let’s talk about confusion

Dec 10, 2012

I posted earlier about following the John McAfee blog, but the latest developments are crazy confusing. Even more messed up than the way the story began… with McAfee on the run from governmental corruption in Belize — and from those officials who wish to question him reference his murdered neighbor (they say), or kill him (he says).

I followed along with the corrupt government and even drank the koolaid to a point, but when blog posts started disappearing along with comments I started shaking my head. Still the requests from McAfee and associates continued — write to (email addresses supplied) government officials and boycott Belize.

But today…
Wait for it… wait for it…

McAfee wants his supporters — the very people he’s told how dangerous the country is — to forget everything he’s said about safety and INSTEAD, he now wants his followers to GO TO BELIZE, traveling into the interior armed with a CAMERA.

I’ll get right on that, John.

There’s even a business lesson to be learned here! When your messages change frequently or are not congruent, you can’t expect others to be loyal. Heck, before long your words are only noise and will most likely be ignored (even by dogs).