Personal reflections and lifestyle perspectives…
apple intelligence, image playground, and your iphone
After getting an email touting the new way to express oneself through AI on Apple iPhones and...
being a nana is risky business
I drove Coco to meet her Mom yesterday and it poured rain on us the entire trip. I don't know...
what happens when you attack the messenger?
You've probably heard the metaphoric phrase at least once in your life, "don't shoot me... I'm...
budgeting for a new puppy
When you think about getting a new puppy -- or acquire one like I did -- you know they have to...
why spark should buy out UPS
Over the past several years, not one time has a Walmart Spark delivery driver taken my groceries...
still winter and it feels like it today
Windy and MUCH cooler, it actually feels like winter today. Hugo was watching for the sun, but...
2025 Photo Challenge
Weekly selected photo of dogs that hate being photographed.
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