Rural Living

Apr 15, 2008

posted by Shelley

Within the last couple of months, my son and his wife have been trying their hardest to talk me into moving closer to them. They currently live in a small apartment in downtown Indy and love it. I have to admit, a northernly move isn’t exactly what I had in mind since I figure I get more than enough of the colder temps right here in the burg. Yah, it’s closer to work — but it’s also closer to the Arctic Ocean when I had the Gulf of Mexico in mind.

Now the reason I even brought this subject up is because today it’s sunny and the air is mild. Amber, (Ben’s wife and fellow colleague) enjoys riding her bicycle and I sometimes find myself thinking, “Ride it where? You live in the freaking city.” I know why that comes to mind — riding a bike for me has always been a leisurely peddling down country roads where you pass ponds and worry about dogs running out — not passing parked cars and worrying about who knows what might run out. I can deal with dogs.

Taking a short break from work this afternoon, (and because Libby was making us crazy), we grabbed our cameras and took her for a quick jaunt down the road…

Would I miss this if I were to move? You betcha! Would I enjoy being able to grab a quick cup of Starbucks (other than in my own kitchen), and driving 5 minutes to eat at a decent restaurant or run in the mall rather than the 45 minute drive I have now? Of course! But…would I miss it as much if I could walk outside in shorts in November or within that 45 minute drive be at the ocean instead of at a nice restaurant? Oh man — now that’s something to think about.