Still hovering at around 60°F with rain

Still hovering at around 60°F with rain

Yesterday and today are almost twins. Yesterday, it rained about all day and through the night — and today we can expect more of the same.

deck through raindrops on glass at night

Since the temps are remaining fairly mild, I guess I shouldn’t complain. While I’d love this to be snow, even I’m about over the cold weather until next winter. Enough is enough.

Ever wonder why it feels colder when it’s damp and rainy? Me too! ChatGPT says it’s primarily because of evaporative cooling. All that moisture in the air has to evaporate. As it does, it absorbs heat from its surroundings to change from liquid to gas. As a result, the air feels cooler even when the air temp hasn’t changed.

I do have a family member that loves rain…

Dharma loves rain.

I’m pretty sure water never reaches her skin no matter how long she’s outside in the rain. Giving her a bath is a chore with all the undercoat she has — it takes forever to get through it all. Just rain likely runs right off. On the floor… the walls she rubs against…

Now you know: Walt Disney fired the creator of Goofy for trying to start a union.

if you can subtract by 8, you might be a meteorologist

if you can subtract by 8, you might be a meteorologist

Yesterday was a near perfect spring day even though it’s not yet spring. It was sunny and nearly 75° F.

Dharma enjoying the sunshine

Today, they’re calling for rain and temps to be 8° cooler than yesterday… and tomorrow 8° cooler than that… and the next day, 8° cooler than that. See? If you can subtract by 8, you too could forecast weather in rural southern Indiana.

Will today be the day I bring out the Dap?

With my birthday rapidly approaching, I find I’m getting more and more ads for burial insurance. My inbox gets them and Facebook serves them up to me too. I’m not putting a lot of thought into the Facebook choice since they’re also showing me ads in Spanish, but sheesh!

With Scott talking about his move back to Indiana and Katie being all creative and painting furniture, I have a bit more motivation to patch the bajillion flaws in the upstairs walls and touch-up paint. But still, I can’t seem to get motivated enough to begin.

room with walls that need patching

Here’s to TODAY being the day I get started!

Now you know: Pronouncing Arkansas as “Arkansaw” is required by Arkansas state law.

there’s a fine line between being efficient and annoying

there’s a fine line between being efficient and annoying

We had a client cancel a virtual event last February because of something out of their control — and as always, we allowed a reschedule without additional fees so long as it was scheduled before the end of the year. That deadline came and went. When the client asked if it was possible to reschedule now, we could’ve declined.

Being nice in business sometimes transforms into a painful experience.

They had already paid for the service and although outside of the contract, helping them was the right thing to do. I agreed to allow it specifically stating that prep would be minimal as not to incur additional costs and time on our end. Now, their Sr. Director of Human Resources is making me regret the decision.

I understand she’s trying to coordinate details, but her peppering of emails is making me crazy. I’m telling her the same things over and over and over again. For the love of all things holy, take a deep breath. No, we’ve not had time to review the email your CEO sent on Sunday night by 8:00 AM ET on Monday morning — especially not with 3 live events in 3 cities in 7 days. 😵‍💫

She probably missed a gorgeous sunset in her location so she could micromanage.

I didn’t miss the sunset here…

sunset in rural southern Indiana in winter

Pointers for organizers — don’t be annoying:

  1. Before sending an email, make note of everything you want to know and form it into one concise message.
  2. If someone tells you they will reach out if they need to connect, stop asking them constantly to schedule a call.
  3. If you’re told you will receive something from someone on a specific day, don’t ask for it 50 times before the deadline.
  4. Don’t pretend to know more about someone else’s job when they are an expert in their field.
  5. Take a deep breath and relax — if you trust someone enough to pay for their services (or if your superiors did), you should expect them to be competent enough to deliver without your micromanagement.
Here to help with whatever you need!” — Yes, yes I know. This is email #28 in just a few short days. 🙄

Now you know: While only 8.4% of Americans don’t wear seat belts, about 50% of those killed in car crashes were not buckled.

i’ll be happy when it comes later in the day, but still think it’s lovely

i’ll be happy when it comes later in the day, but still think it’s lovely

Last night, there was a beautiful sunset over the Ville. Not just ordinarily pretty, but one of those “Ain’t God good to Indiana” ones.

As the sky was transformed into a canvas of vibrant hues, this part of southern rural Indiana was bathed in a serene and magical light. Nature’s final, awe-inspiring brushstroke at the end of the day is never as beautiful in a photo…

sunset in rural Indiana in winter

They say the changing colors reflect the day’s journey. Each hue tells a story, from the fiery intensity of the sun’s descent to the tranquil coolness that settles as night approaches.

Sunsets invite us to pause, breathe, and appreciate their beauty.

They remind us that, even in endings, there is a profound and timeless elegance.

Now you know: Captain Charles McVay, of the USS Indianapolis, remains the only US Navy Captain to be court martialed for losing his ship in a time of war. Though his sentence was commuted, a lifetime of tragedy and guilt led him to take his own life in 1968.

i hope this sunny day doesn’t bring more ants

i hope this sunny day doesn’t bring more ants

February 1 and it’s the first sunny day we’ve had around here in a very long time. Finally! The sun shining in the window in the office/family room was a boost to my mood, for sure. It just made Merida sleepy. 😉

sun streaming in window while Merida sleeps

There’s a reason Merida needs a nap…

As I was trying to sleep this morning around zero thirty hours, I kept feeling something tickle my face. I’ve seen a few ants and my sleepy brain told me that’s what I had on my cheek, nose and forehead. I kept wiping those darn ants away and drifting back into slumber.

It wasn’t long until there were too many of those crawly insects and I popped my eyes open. There was Merida… her nose against mine with her whiskers tickling me. There weren’t any ants at all. 😏

Now you know: A colony of wild chickens have been living under the Hollywood Freeway for over 50 years.