Yesterday was the first day of fall and the temps in southern Indiana proved it to be true. It was 95° F on Wednesday — yesterday the high was 73°. When I went to bed last night it was in the mid-50s.
I LOVE the change of seasons!
I’m excited about the cooler temps and fall festivities. We had the A/C off and all the windows open all day, and the dinner menu was hot dogs and s’mores. Yummy!

Because my back is wonky right now (that happens when you dig, pull, rake and lift heavy stuff into a wheelbarrow when you already have a messed up back and you’re old), I decided to take it a bit easy. I rode my bike and took a walk to visit the Pesky neighbors — and I know if anyone saw me they’d swear it was Quasimodo (the hunchback of Notre Dame) headed down the road.

It’s looked like fall for about a week now — the corn is getting closer to harvest — and Mother Nature finally got the memo.
TIL (Today I Learned): In 1973, Stevie Wonder was the passenger in a vehicle that hit a logging truck. The truck lost its load and a log struck Stevie in the forehead leaving him in a coma for 10 days, His friend, Ira Tucker, was the first to elicit a response from him when she sang ‘Higher Ground’ in his ear.