Politics as usual…

Jan 16, 2008

Posted by Perry
I’ve been reading the different news stories today about the Michigan primary – and I’m still as dissatisfied with our political system as ever.

Throughout this entire campaign every single candidate has said the following about themselves: “I’m the candidate of REAL change in Washington.” For awhile – I believed some of them – no longer.

Have you seen the latest quotes from them? Each one has spouted the same silly rhetoric as candidates before them have. Sen. Clinton has said that this is “The most important election in our nation’s history” – well duh!!! Is it just me, or is EVERY election not important? Think about it – every four years we go to the polls to elect the one person we feel is the best to lead our nation. Someone who will right what we consider “unjust”, will bring fiscal responsibility for the tax dollars that we work so hard to give our government, fix our seriously ailing school systems, and make sure the country we all love is defended from those who mean us harm. Each election has provided us with someone who doesn’t get the job done – why?

I believe the answer is simply this – the two party system does NOT work! Both parties have lost touch with the people they represent. Democrats and Republicans know one thing – we will elect one or the other because we have no other choice – there is no “neither nor” option on a ballot so we pick the “lesser of two evils” sometimes.

It goes beyond elections too – policy is dictated by the majority party and filibustered by the minority. Even if the policy in question is good for the nation – both sides have been guilty of blocking legislation that could have improved the nation. Deals are made behind closed doors, alliances built to further one’s standing in Washington, and bills introduced that benefit campaign contributors.

So – we now get to choose a candidate the represents “real change” huh? Knowing how these candidates were before this election – I highly doubt it…
