A Size 4 – Not!

Jan 26, 2008

posted by Shelley

I receive daily CNN updates via email, and each morning their ‘Quick News’ edition contains 20 headlines with a brief explanation of the stories therein. This morning, one of the top 20 things that CNN felt newsworthy was that a woman lost 110 pounds. Ok…so she lost 110 pounds, it transformed her life, and that is fabulous. Her starting weight was 250, and now (per my calculations), she’s weighing in at 140.

Here’s what always makes me shake my head. She boasts that her 5’9″ frame is now wearing a size 4. Huh? I don’t think so. Same with all the television commercials touting the most recent diet drug — you’ve seen them. There’s a beautiful and fit woman smiling and posing beside a ‘fat photo’ taken at an earlier time. At one point during every single one of those commercials the woman will say, “I’ve lost ‘x number’ of pounds and I went from a size ‘whatever’ to a size 4!”

Is size 4 the goal? I could go into the fact that I watched Intervention the other night where a woman threw up in baggies throughout the entire segment to wear a size 4 — but that’s another issue entirely. My whole rant is that no matter how tall you are and how much you weigh — if you’ve lost weight, you’re automatically wearing the magic size 4. At Chico’s, size 3.5 is as big as it gets, so we know all these beautiful and thin chicks aren’t shopping there. So where?

At my heaviest, I weighed 237 pounds. Right now, at 5’9″, I weigh 146 — same height and 6 pounds heavier than CNN’s size 4 life-transformed headline. I wear a size 10. By losing a mere 6 pounds, I too can wear a size 4! I’m just waiting on someone to tell me where to shop.