Work, Stress and Snow

Jan 31, 2008

posted by Shelley

The forecast for the burg starting this evening is ice and snow. No matter where you get your information — predictions range from 1/2 inch of ice with 6 inches of snow, and then more ice… to merely freezing rain — it’s likely that the South Central Office of McKain Performance Group will be inside working for the next few days. Our favorite form of tension relief? We transform into Sparrowcat and Tiea and battle evil forces, defeating foes with frost bolts and faerie fire until we dream about it at night. (I do sometimes anyway!)


During a conversation last night with our leader, (who is working on a book deadline in the southern states), I suggested that he too might join us. He indicated that his stress level was just fine, thank you very much, and he would continue to work against his writing deadline.
