Self Reflections…

Feb 6, 2008

Posted by Perry

Having a birthday this month, it’s a time for me personally, for self reflection.

Now when I say that – I don’t mean the “What’s my place in this universe?”, or the ever-popular “What’s the meaning of life?” thing. No – what I mean is – am I as a person doing everything I can to enjoy my life?

Am I doing what I can, both financially and spiritually, to say I’m truly happy with my life and where it is right now? Do I look at the big picture and realize what really counts to me as a person? The answer may surprise you – but for the most part – it’s a resounding YES!

Having said that – sure some things could be better (finances), but what really matters to me is the people in my life and the positive effect they have on me. I have a truly wonderful family – great nieces and nephews, loving mother and step-father, devoted sister and brother, but I also have some very special people in my professional life that mean just as much.

Last November, I had the pleasure of accepting a position with McKain Performance Group as Director of Content Services. It’s a wonderful job – but there is more to it. The people I work with have been unbelievable – they are now a huge part of my life.

You see – the majority of us get up and go to work at a job we can’t stand, work long hours for bosses we don’t like, and end up questioning whether we’ve made a horrible mistake insofar as our career. I’m one of the few lucky ones who can say I haven’t.

I have sat back and decided that finally I’m going to try things I haven’t done before. New experiences that I’ll be able to share through this blog that are routine to some – but alien to me. Can I tell you that I’ll be thirty-six this month and have never seen the ocean – not once. I have never been skiing, snorkeling or even out of the tri-state area? I have now promised myself to do just that and more.

I’m also going to enjoy the little things more than I have – such as friends (which I have shamefully been neglecting), quiet time (not nearly enough of), and even a dog at my side.

Self reflection is something each of us should do – ask yourself the same questions I have asked myself and you may be surprised by the answers you get. Have you taken just a few minutes to take stock in what you have and who you are with? Can you look at yourself and say “You know what? I’m totally content with my life”? If not – do so now then make the changes you need to balance out the chaotic lifestyle most of us lead with the serenity of home.