You’ve Got to Be Kidding

Feb 8, 2008

posted by Shelley

I have several packages that must go out today to clients, so I spent some time last night preparing them for shipment. After placing some items in boxes and getting the UPS labels printed and attached, I notice that I have a shipment that’s simply one DVD and a few one-sheets. Easy enough — that should fit just fine in an envelope-sized pack. Of course, bubble envelopes won’t allow the one-sheets to stay flat, so I search through my stash for something else. I find a USPS envelope that I’ve purchased previously and figure once I attach the UPS label to the front, no one will be the wiser. It’s all good.

As I turn over the United States Postal Service envelope that I purchased with good ole’ American money, I see the small print on the back side. It read, “MADE IN MEXICO”!! With the unemployment rate up and a recession looming, (not to mention that illegal immigrants now make up about 4% of US population — yes, 1 in every 25 are here illegally – AND 56% of those illegals come from Mexico) who, within our government, decided it was a good idea to have USPS products printed in Mexico?? Don’t tell me that move is cost-effective when you compare what is spent for welfare, and our government reported a decline of 17,000 jobs in January, the first drop in more than four years! In my best Percy Garris voice…Morons! I’ve got morons on my team!!