Shame on WHAS11!

Feb 13, 2008

posted by Shelley

The weather here is nasty; ice is literally caked on everything. Figuring that school would be called off, but not certain – I checked the local TV station’s websites for closing information. There are 4 major Louisville channels that report, and I log on to each of them to see what the latest news is, as well as see who is closing and where. Get this! If you check over a certain number of times on, they require that you register with them to get the information.

I don’t know about you, but if I want more crap in my email box, I’ll decide where I who I want it to come from. I’m even used to the annoying pop-up boxes that encourage you to register your email – but no way is going to force me into providing anything just to see if children have school in my area.

I immediately removed from my favorites and chose to instead visit Wave3, Fox41 and WLKY. C’mon already. Wouldn’t you think that this is one thing that should be provided as a service to those who watch your channel and patronize your advertisers? Is it so important to WHAS11 to harvest email addresses that they would withhold information that might keep someone safe just to get them? Booooo!