Closing the Week

Feb 16, 2008

posted by Shelley

My BLOGGING has been limited; the past week was crazy. Perry barely had time to breathe, so you didn’t hear much from him either. We did get Scott McKain’s latest ezine prepared and sent (go ahead — check it out!), and kept our heads above water, but that’s about the extent of it.

As we recharge our batteries over the weekend, I have 3 other BLOGS to recommend that will keep you busy and fulfill your ‘blog reading’ experience. Here are my picks:

  • McKain Viewpoints — of course this has to top the list since he’s the leader (and my MUCH older brother) and my input there is required/expected.
  • It’s off my chest now — a BLOG by one of my closest friends who writes with humor and a bit of sarcasm…great stuff.
  • Surveying and Other Musings — a BLOG by another great friend that isn’t what it sounds like. Dan’s posts are thoughtful and often inspiring.

Make sure that you bookmark my picks and check them out often.

And finally — if you’re into YouTube — here’s a short video clip on differentiation>>