Humorous happenings

Feb 22, 2008

Posted by Perry

After reading Shelley and Alisa’s blogs about funny things that have happened to them at work, I decided to share some of mine from my previous job.

I had worked in the gaming industry as a Casino Host. This meant I handled VIP’s, attended events and parties organized for them, and handled any and all requests they may have had. Can I just tell you that “big spenders” at casinos are for the most part – stupid. Here are some examples…

I was in our VIP lounge around 12:30 am finishing up some hotel room requests when I get a call from Security. They had a VIP lady in custody who had a little bit too much to drink and decided to go to the top of the boat and shimmy up our flag pole – unclothed. Now, do not ask me how this woman can get from the casino floor to the top of the boat, past the Pilot House, and up a flag pole wearing nothing but a drunken smile – but she did. I informed my boss and passed it on to him – I wasn’t about to touch that one.

When the boat used to actually cruise, people would make a mad dash down the ramp before it was lifted to depart. Problem was our old turnstiles were the “spinning” kind – you know – the kind that you had to turn to get through and not the electric eye style preferred now. Well this man, maybe in his mid-twenties, was running late and we were two minutes from departing. He comes hauling you-know-what down the ramp and hits the turnstile full speed – only problem was he went through the exit and not the entrance turnstile – it didn’t budge. He laid there in obvious pain, trying to catch his breath and moaning loudly. I still to this day have fond memories of that one moment and said to myself, “That’s gonna leave a mark.”

The best memory I have of there is of a guest who had actually made it onboard, and was heading up the escalator to the third floor when it happened – now before I tell you what – I should let you in on a secret – the player was a drag queen. Somehow “it” had gotten “its” hair extensions caught in the escalator and was screaming this blood-curdling scream of agony. Now I know I shouldn’t have laughed at someone’s misfortune, but I was on the floor. The sight of “it” flailing “its” arms with a high-pitched scream is forever etched into my brain. Good stuff.

Ok – so I have a warped and twisted sense of humor – let me tell you though, that sense of humor has gotten me through some really stressful times there.

Like the time these two drunk players wanted a room, but did not have the play to warrant one. They became very combative and uttered the usual threats of bodily harm, which as a Host, you received almost daily. Anyways, two security sergeants happened to be passing by and noticed the potential “battle-royale” about to transpire and stepped in. They calmly explained why we could not honor the request and acted very professional (more-so than me at that point), when one of the guests made a very bad choice and swung on one of them – James. James was a former marine who had been in Desert Storm and took static from no one. He slung the guy to the ground and took him into custody – what struck me about the incident is that the human body actually bounces on steel flooring.

Ok – so maybe this stuff isn’t funny to you, but to me it will live forever in the “Perry hilarious stuff” file of my mind.