
Mar 24, 2008

posted by Shelley

It’s funny how holidays change when you no longer have children at home. Easter Sunday back in the day was spent hiding eggs that were colored the night before. Ben could never get enough of the game and I can remember hiding them around the house for days — the dog coming out of the bedroom munching on the remainder of a shell from an egg not found quickly enough.

Not an egg was eaten nor hidden here yesterday, but the thing I missed most was seeing Ben eat Peeps. Peeps were the staple treat in his Easter basket…he LOVED them. He preferred the yellow ones (the pink ones were simply too feminine for such a macho dude) and protected them like they were gold — even though I wouldn’t eat one of those marshmallow things if I was starving, and the dog absolutely liked eggs better. I can also remember that his Easter basket always had a video game, a Transformer, a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle or some pretty decent thing hidden in that green plastic grass.

But as I said, holidays are different without children in the house. Here’s a glimpse of what Easter REALLY looks like in the afternoon without one…
