Check it Twice – no…

Apr 10, 2008

posted by Shelley

In a previous post, I talked about clarity and the necessity of practicing silence each day to reflect and narrow focus – taking time to look at the big picture and not just filling hours with clutter and busy work. Today I’m going to encourage you to do something more.

Sit down and make a list of all the different areas in your business or your personal life that you’re currently giving focus and energy to. Spend some time reflecting on all of these different areas and think about those activities that are most fulfilling to you (or profitable) and move those activities to the top of your list. Take out a sheet of paper and write down the top 5.

Spend a few minutes each morning before you start work looking at your tasks for the day and compare that to the 5 activities that are most fulfilling. Take a hard look at how they fit into your overall focus. Let’s face it – at some point, we need to realize there are only certain number of hours in a day, so tasks that are going to further your focus should be done first.

By comparing these lists each morning to remind yourself of the big picture, you’ll really be testing to see where you’re at in the process of developing focus. So what exactly are you supposed to do about the tasks on your daily to-do list that don’t fit within the scope of your focus? I’ll talk about that in a future post…