Sucked In

Apr 27, 2008

posted by Shelley

It is easy to get sucked into our own small world of projects and concerns and task lists. Sometimes, we need to set our work down and take a big step back. That doesn’t mean we’ve gone off-course and are wandering around without a plan, but it does allow us time to realize that the things we worry about each day are quite small. Time away from work gives us a fresh vision for future priorities — clarity — as I’ve touched on before. So no matter what type of job you have — take a step back, and go outside and play. When you return, you might be surprised at how much clarity you’ve gained.

It won’t be long before I’ll actually get away from the burg for a bit, but in the meantime, I especially enjoy taking Libby for a walk down the road. Even though I love what I’m doing right now insofar as work, getting away from it just for a short time reminds me of the bajillion other things I love too.