Caution : Habit Forming

May 9, 2008

posted by Shelley

Changing habits and human behavior is what we do in the marketing business. How do we get someone to buy a book, visit a different URL, or do business with a new organization, when it is their habit to do the opposite? Those are the types of questions that are rolling around in my head 24/7. Habits are hard to break — ask any fat, smoking alcoholic and they’ll tell you exactly how hard.

So I figure I should attempt to apply my expertise to a family member that needs some help. Libby is fat — no secret there. Why is she fat? One of the reasons is because she is a manipulator with a habit. It’s always been that when she goes outside to do her bizness, she gets a treat. Every cup of coffee I pour — treat for the pork chop girl. It’s so bad that she even FAKES going to the bathroom just to get a treat. Honestly, she pretends she is going when it is obvious that she simply isn’t. What did I always do? Why, give her a treat of course (she’s way too cute!) which only served to add more pounds to her round frame.

Besides now feeding her some bland kind of food for overweight dogs, we are working on her ‘treat habit’ as well. Perry said today he thought she looked a little ‘less fat.’ Good thing she didn’t understand his comment — ‘less fat’ isn’t a compliment no matter how great your intentions were. We’ll keep you posted!