posted by Shelley
It’s a ritual around here to mow on Thursday. That way, the yard looks good for the weekend, and it leaves those precious non-working days to enjoy other things. This past Thursday it rained. Matter of fact, it’s been raining a lot lately — so much that one might think it’s spring.
With rain predicted starting tonight and lasting throughout most of the next week, we figured we’d better get the yard in shape today. That’s what got me thinking about a BLOG post I’d read that was written by a client/friend — Mike Hall, of the Pines Restaurant, that explained his mowing technique. You can read the post here>>
Since the grass has been growing like crazy and I couldn’t mow on the regular setting this time anyhow, (I was throwing water through a good portion of it anyway!), I thought I’d take Mike’s advice and give this new mowing philosophy a whirl. Have you ever noticed the grounds around The Pines Restaurant in Seymour? It always looks well groomed. Now I don’t care nearly so much about the yard here — it’s rural, our neighbors on one side are 8 or 9 horses, and it simply doesn’t matter so much when you’re not in town. So I figure if it’s good enough for Mike — it’s gotta be good enough for me. I’m testing his theory and figure if it doesn’t work, I’ll just pad his invoice to make up the difference.