
May 20, 2008

posted by Shelley

Do you keep a secret buried so deep that you’ve never shared it with anyone? I’m talking about the kind of secret you wouldn’t share with a friend because you’re afraid of what they might think of you — or you’re afraid that someday, somehow it might come to light. If you do, enter stage right the Post Secret art project.

PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail their secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard. I’m betting that most of you have visited the popular PostSecret Blog, but did you know there are now even 4 PostSecret books you can buy online? Not sure where I’d put one of these books after a purchase…are they good bathroom reading? Or would they make a better conversation piece on the coffee table?

Some of the submissions are funny, others are touching, and it seems that everyone reading a postcard wonders if it was sent in reference to them. For example — one of Sunday’s postings had the caption, “I don’t know where my sister lives or works.” Soooo…everyone who doesn’t know where their sister lives or works wonders if it was THEIR sister that sent in the postcard. And then there was the one that said, “I hate my wife, but I can’t leave her. I’m a diabetic and her job has health insurance.” That one got a chuckle from me anyway. I think under my breath I even called the unknown jerk that submitted it a pathetic user, and privately felt sorry for the unknown wife. Funny stuff!

There’s a ton of submissions — enough to keep you busy while you’re supposed to be working for a whole week even. Once Friday rolls around, you can make a postcard to send that says, “I spent a whole week reading PostSecret when I was supposed to be working and my fatass boss didn’t have a clue.” Go ahead…it will make you feel awesome!! 🙂 (And it will also make every boss with a larger than average ass wonder if one of his/her employees submitted it!)