Why he won’t get my vote

Jul 9, 2008

posted by Shelley

I live in the United States of America. My country is diverse in that while my descendants may be Irish, yours may be German. Yet, we are Americans and we speak the American language — English. Those who came to live in this fine country many moons ago abided by the law of the land, shared and learned our culture, AND learned the English language — no matter if they were Irish, English, German, etc. But in this age of being ‘politically correct’, that my friend, is changing.

You’ve noticed it — ‘press 1 for English’ blah blah blah. You don’t hear, ‘press 3 for French’ or ‘press 5 for Japanese’ do you? Oh, but you do hear the option for Spanish. If you are an English speaking, US citizen, you probably don’t like it any better than I do. So here’s the deal in my opinion… if you live in the good ole’ US of A, speak our country’s language! It’s English!

Obama, at a recent campaign event in Georgia, said that we, as Americans, should make certain our children learn to speak Spanish. Uh, no. If I move to Mexico, I will learn to speak Spanish, share and learn their culture and abide by their rules (as not to end up in some Mexican prison) — if they choose to live here, then those same principles should apply.

Obama’s tag line, “Change we can believe in” doesn’t represent the kind of changes I want. Not just because of this one issue — there are others — this is simply one small instance where I disagree with him on an issue that HE felt was important enough to address at a political function.