
Sep 1, 2008

posted by Shelley

Yummy — another holiday that folks normally celebrate with food. Since I’m especially fond of foods cooked on the grill, today’s meal (and holiday) was better than Thanksgiving. Here’s hoping ya’all enjoyed your day too!

I’m not political, and I most likely never will be. Today’s revelation that McCain’s running mate’s 17 year-old daughter is pregnant, and that fact becoming breaking news is a good example of why. To some, it may make Palin seem more ‘human’ or vulnerable (which may be a good or bad thing considering she might be president at some point). To others, it’s merely a weak spot that deserves criticism. I don’t see how this issue has anything to do with Palin’s ability to make decisions — let’s face it, she most likely didn’t encourage her 17 year-old to have unprotected sex with her boyfriend.

No matter your political affiliation, you surely feel sorry for the daughter. I know that I do! Can you imagine the burden she must feel? It’s not enough that she’s young and pregnant and has to tell her family — that alone is enough to make any teen sweat. No, she also has to think that it might change the entire US because of an election? That stinks, doesn’t it?