The Election Trail

Oct 21, 2008

The long road traveled toward the 2008 election is nothing more than a narrow trail now — and I’m sure I’m not the only one that will be glad when November 4th is a day to look back on (even though it marks the birthday of my favorite brother in the whole world). I’m sick to death of the negative campaigns and the commercials and ads that are so biased that they are hard to watch…no matter which side of the fence you’re on.

I’m also amazed how some people can let another’s political candidate (I didn’t say political VIEW — most of the people I’ve talked to don’t have a clue what their candidate’s VIEWS are on anything!) change their personal feelings about another. Perry will cast his vote for Obama and I will cast mine for McCain. We absolutely disagree (on everything except that we both figure Obama will pull it off), but we don’t treat one another with disrespect simply because we want a different candidate to be victorious and lead our country. It’s just my personal opinion that Perry’s been paying too much attention to Libby, and just isn’t as informed as he should be. 😉