The election is over and Barack Obama is to be my president. I’m personally not thrilled about it; I’m sure to have plenty more blog posts in the future about it (as will one of his supporters — Perry); and now that the election is over, I will rally behind him in his efforts to accomplish all the things he has promised to the American people. Even though my candidate did not win, I welcome Obama with respect, support, and prayers that he can indeed move us forward.
McCain gave an eloquent speech — I’m not sure how he could’ve improved upon it. Obama’s speech was moving (I moved to the kitchen while booing and hissing) — but I will say that his message was truly one that we, as Americans, can absolutely support. (I did get a little sick at my stomach at times while watching the Obama speech — you know, when the camera kept panning to close-ups of the Reverend Jessie Jackson and Oprah crying!) But again, I will stand behind my President and be proud of my country. The democrats have elected a president, and have won the balance of power in both the Senate and House. It’s now up to the democrats to turn the country around — as promised — without excuses. Did I say without excuses?
With all that having been said — I have 2 simple words for Michelle Obama — St. John. I don’t care that she purchased the dress ‘off the rack’ from White House/Black Market to co-host “The View” (I like to shop there too) — but her choice to wear such a garb as she wore on election night was a shockingly bad choice. Period.