My short-term memory is skewed. It feels like I have so much crap in my brain that anything else I try to stuff in there oozes out. Gone forever. But there are other times when something I see, hear or read sticks — and I can’t get rid of it, no matter how hard I try. (I might’ve just admitted to having selective memory, but pretend you didn’t notice!)
If you’re reading this, you know how much I enjoy photography — and you might even check out the photos on So obviously, when I run across something that combines beautiful photography with something else that is special to me (not my dog this time), I’m hooked. Such is the case in what I’m about to share…
I stumbled across a site that is a powerful reminder to enjoy every single moment possible with the ones we love. Not only does Phillip Toledano tell a wonderful story through his photographs, but this story is especially meaningful to me. My Grandmother is 98, and I lost my father in 2004…
So check it out — and let me know if you enjoyed it too…
PS. Scroll your mouse down to the bottom of the page to advance to the next photo page — it’s in Flash and is a little tricky. Also, when you’re finished, you can view all the photos by clicking to an area on the left…