Posted by Perry
The NFL, and sports in general, are missing a very key member with the retirement of the Indianapolis Colts’ head coach, Tony Dungy, on Monday.
For those of you who are not fans of sports, you don’t know what you missed. Mr. Dungy successfully led the Colts for seven seasons, reaching the playoffs each year and becoming the first African-American Head Coach to win a Super Bowl. He is more than just an NFL coach – he is the epitome of class.
You see, what Tony Dungy did in his thirty-one year football career was to lead by example. In football, the old adage is that a team reflects its coach. This was evident in the way Dungy’s teams played, always professional, tough, dedicated, and with a respect for the game and their opponents – just like their coach.
Dungy’s impact reached far beyond the gridiron, he is very active in charity work, having been involved for years with prison ministries, Family First, and All-Pro Dads. The NFL certainly has some very big shoes to fill.
I write this not because I love sports, but rather because people like Mr. Dungy are an example to all of us. The way in which Tony Dungy led his teams, and his life, can be used by everyone no matter what walk of life they come from. Professionals, lecturers, laborers all the way down the line can learn a thing or two (or more) from Mr. Dungy and understand that his legacy in sports is a rare one – its not based solely on wins and losses but on HOW he won and lost.
I can’t think of a better person to learn from. Thank you for the lesson Mr. Dungy.