Twitter will not fix your car.

Apr 28, 2009

I have a series of BLOGS that I subscribe to and read faithfully. One of them is simply called the Bloggess, and while I don’t recommend it for everyone, I find myself occasionally laughing out loud at her writing style, and wondering who she will offend tomorrow. Her post from yesterday was entitled ‘Twitter will not fix your car.’ To summarize, her car windows get stuck in the down position during a rainstorm, and she asks for advice on how to fix the problem on Twitter.

The comments to her post on the BLOG were equally as entertaining as the suggestions that others provided her on Twitter. Here’s one that was written by Writer Dad:

    It’s just because you asked the wrong questions. I want to know fifty words for fart and I have them in less than sixty seconds, but if I have a serious question about WordPress, the only help I get is fifty words for fart.

But the whole post got me thinking about the expectations that many businesses have insofar as Twitter and other forms of social media. You can get tons of followers and build a bajillion relationships on Twitter, but even then — Twitter will not fix your car!