freaking fabulous friday

Aug 8, 2009

With one exception — Friday was a perfect day to end the week. It was sunny and warm in the burg and work was easy and light. Dinner at Red Lobster was yummy, as was the Malibu Hurricane, and I bought Nancy Grace’s book, The Eleventh Victim, which I plan to use for entertainment today as I relax by the pool. (To Alisa, nah nah ne boo boo!)


You either love or hate Nancy Grace. There’s nothing in between. Don’t believe me? Just try saying her name in an intimate gathering and take note of reactions. Either eyes will light up — or “b*tch” will be muttered. Seriously. Try it. Be ready for a debate to ensue.

Even though I mock her — the way she mouths the words “thank you” when she’s complimented on her twins, and her famous “what’s your question, dear?” when she wants her caller to get on with it already — I LOVE her feisty spunk and the way she puts everyone in their place.

To be honest, she reminds me of a friend. Those of you from the burg will know who I’m talking about when I say her attitude reminds me of Tammy — smart as all Hell and twice as opinionated.

Feel free to tell us what you think of Nancy Grace by clicking the ‘comments’ link at the top right of this post.

And, when you’re done, be sure to read a business BLOG post that has nothing to do with Nancy Grace and everything to do with Starbucks. Interesting stuff…