dude steals birdcage

Sep 23, 2009

I read an article in the local Tribune today about a couple who had a crook come to their wedding reception just to rip them off. I can’t remember a reception that I’ve ever attended where there wasn’t a special spot for you to put envelopes filled with money or gift cards, and this event was no exception. An estimated $5k in loot was carried out of the American Legion in Seymour, Indiana, in a wire bird cage by an uninvited guest.

The police have a description! A skinny white male wearing a dark t-shirt and a ball cap.

Waaaah? You have enough people gathered to estimate $5k in gift cash and cards and that’s the best description anyone could provide? No matter how much I had to drink, I think that I would notice a skinny dude in a hat lurking around a bird cage — like how many dudes wear ball caps to a wedding reception? And what color was the hat? Did it have the Ohio State logo on it? Did anyone notice?

Are thieves getting braver? I seriously wonder how desperate you have to be to parade around in front of a bunch of people, and then leave with their loot in a bird cage.