All of you that think I’m prissy, raise your hand. Oh, thanks. Like you think I couldn’t see you? I’m willing to bet that most of you have never seen me without long, manicured nails and a fake tan. Yes, I’m like that. So? I’m also NOT like that right now. You can’t have nails and work a 2nd shift job (after your day job), as a carpenter, home-repair specialist, painter, tile layer and job foreman. You look for sleep time, and could care less if your tired body is tanned. You simply care that it’s under the covers and not dirty.
There are going to be times when life throws you a curve and you’re not at the spot you want to be. Maybe that time for you is now. But challenging times are when you pull energy from places you forgot were there, and you do things you don’t want to do. They give you character. Honest.
I’ll never be Bob Villa. Don’t want to be. But I CAN do things other than those related to my chosen career, and I CAN accomplish good things even if I hate doing them along the way. If the challenging economy has thrown you a curve, or if you have a friend or family member that could use a hand — don’t be afraid to step up to the plate. You do that, and you’ll have something you can look back on and be proud of. An accomplishment you’ll remember.
House project — rock on…