on a boat

Jan 20, 2010

Not that long ago I had the pleasure of sailing to Key West and Nassau on a Carnival Cruise Ship. I absolutely love a cruise and have sailed on various cruise lines throughout the years. I gotta’ tell you though — I agree with speaker, Larry Winget’s FaceBook post:

“I find cruise ships going to Haiti and partying/gambling/eating right off shore to be despicable. Who could do that? How can you sit right off shore and know that a quarter of a million people are dead and you decide to vacation there? Send that cruise ship down there with food and medicine and move the sick, dying and the orphans!”

So you have a Royal Caribbean cruise ship frolicking in the waves just three days after a quake struck the capital Port-au-Prince, with three more ships scheduled to stop at Labadee this week. Royal Caribbean says it’s proud — the vacationers spend money at the straw markets, and that stimulates the already poor economy of the earthquake victims. I don’t get it — dead people are being piled up on the streets and survivors of the quake are looking for food and water. So how about we cruise vacationers all head on over and buy a fake Gucci purse at the straw market, catch some rays and have an awesome picnic lunch and a few alcoholic beverages on the beach.

I really don’t care if it’s a private resort leased by Royal Caribbean from the Haitian government. I too think it’s despicable!