i sexual russian blonde

Jan 29, 2010

It’s another dark, dreary day in the burg. It’s days like today that make me want to crawl under the covers and just nap the afternoon away. But before I do, I wanted rant about the email SPAM that is most annoying to me right now…

Email spoofing is the forgery of an email header so that the message appears to have originated from someone other than the actual source. SPAMMERs love it and use spoofing in an attempt to get recipients to open, and possibly even respond to, their solicitations. So far today, I’ve received 24 email messages that LOOK like they are coming to me from my favorite brother on the planet, and they say:

I sexual Russian blonde, want to see, come closer Register [and then a web url here]

Last time I checked, my brother was neither blonde nor Russian. I guess some people actually respond to this garbage (maybe people with blonde, Russian friends/family) or the messages wouldn’t continue to be sent out by the bajillions. Whatever.